Order and Info Hotline
If you want to advertise your product for a specific period of time or if the information system (phone, email or fax) is getting too heavy for you to handle, we stand at your disposal. We accept orders, forward complaints, inform about changes/news and so much more. Reliable and fast, we take orders for you and immediately process them, even when working hours are long over, thanks to our electronic data processing system.

Support Line for Your Products
Do you have any hardware or software with which you need help? If this is the case, then our service support line is just what you need. We offer your customers support through all communication channels, relieving you of all these concerns and allowing you to concentrate on more substantial matters. Our references within the field of Hardware/Software Support are among the best. Give it a try! Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Homepage Support
If your customers need help browsing your web pages, we can help. Using an online chat, call-back function or a direct IP connection, we stand your customers’ disposal at any time, to answer any questions they might have.